

Blog Post

How to Select the Right Team for Your SEO

Have you found yourself contemplating how thrilling it would be to run your own successful company? It's a place I can relate to you on. I would daydream at the thought, but realized the mountain of time and manpower it would require. If you've let these thoughts hinder you, turning back now will certainly guarantee you a low(er)-risk path, financially.

If you’re stubborn to these notions, as I still continue to be, take heed in the following information: No matter what you sell, offer, manipulate, orchestrate, or 'fill in the blank verb'; you MUST market. You must market efficiently. You must market endlessly.

Today's number one access to the minds you aim to inspire, with the opportunity to join in your interest, is through tech. Social media, search engines, addictive games; these are the 21st century platform for advertisement. The question is, how do you manipulate these variable sources effectively within your budget (which may be zilch)?

The first method is effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Being at the top of Google, Bing, and other relevant search engines is the difference between boom and bust. Getting there is a challenge that requires an attack of inquiries, hash tags, reviews, posts, shares, likes, impressions, key-words, links on other websites, time spent on site, click-throughs, location, and that's only to name a few. Hiring a company to do your dirty work will frankly only be supplemental to your endeavor. Cheaping out certainly means less hours spent on your project by your solutions company (although getting ripped is a real possibility).

You need to do your homework. We have, and this post is hopefully one that leads you beyond the empty promises of purchasing SEO assistance, that frankly, does not exist in the way it is built-up to be.

After moving up the ranks in our understanding of the algorithms used for search engine placement, we have found SEO to be one of the least lucrative services a tech company can offer (when done properly). That being said, we take on very few of these clients. We charge fees that are equivalent to the median for current market pricing, and we spend a TON of time working to live up to our reputation.

If you are welcomed in the door, handed a bottle of water from the Ancient Samoan Springs, given a 24k golden pen, and a dense contract… you may be in harm's way.

The best bang for your buck will look humble. You'll find that you don't feel like your meeting with a used car salesman. You will feel like you are the one being interviewed. And, you will feel like your spending an amount of money that hurts a little. These characteristics show the potential that the agency understands the work that will go into delivering what you require. It's evidence that they are unwilling to take on a client who is incapable of handling their end of the labor. It shows that they may actually know their shit. They are going to want you to as well. In this business, an uneducated client is comparable to, well; you can fill in the blank here, someone who is easily taken advantage of, and tossed to the side without remorse. The analogy may seem uncouth, but business isn't always a fairytale.

We at Desafi Inc. hope that you are able to make use of this information when building your marketing strategy. Success is an achievable destination; we hope to see you there.